
Reflecting the 4 key principles of Ecological Sustainability, Social Justice, Spirituality, and Cultural Pluralism, our specific objectives are:

  • To expand culturally-rooted and sustainable development choices, where ‘development’ is the process of expansion of the freedoms available to human beings to survive and live in a healthy environment, to be well nourished and healthy, and to actively participate in social and political life.
  • To focus on the needs and capacity-building of the poorest and the most disadvantaged, such as dalits, tribals, poor women, destitute children, unorganised workers.
  • To conserve and strengthen indigenous and alternative traditions of knowledge existing in India/South Asia through documentation and dissemination, and examine how this knowledge is being adapted and used in modern times.
  • To encourage social and policy innovations, civil society initiatives and democratic, transparent and accountable governance in all spheres, in furthering the objectives stated above.