Oxfam GB India Country Strategy Development 2007-2011: Review of Global Development Donors’ and Private Sector Strategies and Approaches for Poverty Reduction

The study for Oxfam (India) Trust reviewed strategies of global development donors and of the private sector for reducing poverty and overcoming social exclusion.

Oxfam, a development, relief, and campaigning organisation that works with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering around the world in over 70 countries, has been working in India since 1951. Apart from responding in emergencies to save lives, Oxfam focuses on three priority programme areas: livelihoods, humanitarian programme (preparing for and coping with disasters) and gender programme, aimed at economic and social empowerment of women.

The study

  1. Mapped the institutions, organizations and people among multilaterals, bi-laterals and private sector organizations who are leading pro-poor change in India
  2. Reviewed the strategies, approaches and innovations adopted by these organizations with respect to:
    • the key drivers of poverty, exclusion and vulnerability in India
    • the most significant drivers of change that are contributing to or blocking positive change for poor women and men

Some of the key multilateral organizations covered by this study included the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, UNIFEM and the European Union. Key bi-laterals included DFID, USAID, GTZ, JICA and CIDA/IDRC. Important private sector organisations included Industry and Business Associations such as Confederation of Indian Industry, FICCI, ASSOCHAM and PHDCCI and major Indian corporate houses (Tatas, Reliance, Wipro, Infosys, etc.) and the Foundations set up by them. The study also looked at a few agro-industry companies, such as the ITC.